If you live in The Hague, Scheveningen or anywhere in the Haaglanden and you are looking for a chiropractor near you to help you, here are a few of my suggestions on how to choose one that fits you.
Location, opening times and cost are all factors. But, you also want to consider education, experience, and connection with the practitioner.
Give a watch to our video and if you are curious if we are a good match, give us a call at
070 204 41 34 , email info@gewoonchiropractie.com OR click the button below!
In case you missed it- here is Dr. Carey's bio:
Dr. Carey Pabouet-Sigafoose graduated from Life University in 1997 with a Doctorate in Chiropractic. Carey brings many lifetimes of experience to our practice having nine Chiropractors in his immediate family and being a third generation Chiropractor himself.
Dr. Carey has practiced in the Baltimore and Ocean City, MD as well as founding and operating two very successful Chiropractic practices in Panama. Dr. Carey served as the official Chiropractor for the HBO series The Wire, and worked with many professional baseball team players from the Baltimore Orioles and American football team players from the Baltimore Ravens. In addition, he has been awarded best Chiropractor in Baltimore, Maryland.
Dr. Carey publishes Doctor and Patient educational materials for Chiropractors, is a sought after guest lecturer at many Chiropractic events, produces a weekly Podcast (Sigtalks) focusing on Chiropractic Philosophy and is the owner and operator of Sigafoose.com. Dr Carey has been a featured speaker at several of the world’s largest chiropractic seminars, including ChiroEurope (Spain) and Axiom ( Netherlands).
About Gewoon Chiropractie:
Gewoon Chiropractie is conveniently located just on the border of The Hague and Scheveningen and is 20 minutes away from Den Haag Centraal train station by Tram 1.
Through a vitalistic approach to chiropractic, we view each patient as a whole, rather than as a single symptom to be treated. We know that chiropractic is so much more than back pain, neck pain and headaches. There are multiple techniques we use to detect, find and correct nerve impingements, that we call subluxations. We believe chiropractic care is a lifestyle & recommend regular spinal checks for you and your whole family.